“Thanks Glockal for giving me that happiness of giving someone selflessly. Doing for our love ones is always loving . But Glockal's contribution gave a feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment that we have done something for the mankind. Giving someone their essential is a great feeling. As it's rightly said" service to man kind is service to god" This quote I understood when we gave away our unwanted stuffed stuff to someone who needed more than us.”
Ankit A. Rungta
“I would like to thank GLOCKAL for arranging the Give Away drive in our society Imperium. Almost everyone is willing to help the less fortunate people and this drive gave us the opportunity to do that. Personally, many times I have been in a situation where I wanted to help or donate but did not know the right place. Also it requires trust on the organisation to which is being donated to. Since it was arranged by GLOCKAL and it was arranged in such a convenient way that it did not take any real effort from our end to support. Thanks again for the drive and I hope more such drives will be arranged in the future.”